Blustery and crisp
The last days of fresh cut grass
Indian Summer days lingering, sparesly
Frost becomes the morning dew
Car windows sheathed in icy white
Multitudes of colors
Reds, oranges and yellows
Green becoming a memory
Covered sidewalks and gutters
Once bountifully leaved trees
Becoming barren
Layered clothing replaces skin baring attire
Coats rescued from their summer havens
Closets rearranged for the impending cold
Sweaters, scarves, hats
Baseball fans lay idle, reawaiting spring
Football, Hockey overtake the airwaves
Cups once dripping with condensation from iced beverages
Transformed to steaming mugs of java, cocoa
Bipolar New England days
Snow one day, near summer temperatures the next
The slight rumble of heaters in homes
Warm and inviting
Days shorter
Night transcending quicker
BBQ's covered and oven's ablaze
Fall in New England
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